health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser (2023-2024)

Help us raise money for KY Children's Hospital
Help us raise money for KY Children's Hospital

Camp Dick Robinson Elementary - CDR

CDR is participating in the Kindness Across the Commonwealth Health/Moves/Minds FUNdraiser, which is teaching our students skills we use to take care of our mental and physical health.  

As part of this program, we are raising money for equipment and resources that will help create a healthier environment in our school, which will ultimately help us thrive physically, emotionally, socially and academically. 

Additionally, we are paying it forward by supporting KY Children's Hospital and their effort to serve as a leading Children's Hospital. 

If we hit our goal of $800 raised the CDR students have voted for me (Patrick Kennedy) to complete a 13 mile half-marathon in early December. 

Please support our fundraising efforts with a small donation?  

Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating!

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Through health. moves. minds.® our students are learning how to take care of their mind and body, while also developing important character traits such as kindness and empathy. As part of this program, we are raising money to help create a more active and healthy environment in our school, which will ultimately help our students physically, emotionally, socially, and academically. 

As part of this program, we are raising money to purchase PE equipment to make our school more active and healthy. 

In addition, a portion of the proceeds will also be used to develop essential teacher resources — and advocate for health and physical education at the state and national levels.

Our school has pledged to make the world a kinder place — will you support our efforts? Please join our movement and make a donation today.

Come join our team!


[ˈtēmˌwərk] noun

A cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together in the interest of a common cause.


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